Sonja Čotar Konrad, PhD

Associate Professor of Developmental and Learning Psychology at the Faculty of Education, University of Primorska

Sonja Čotar Konrad holds a PhD in Psychology and is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Primorska, with a habilitation in the field of Developmental and Educational Psychology. She teaches students of Early Childhood Education and Pedagogy at the undergraduate level and Early Learning and Teaching at the doctoral level. She also participates in the pedagogical and andragogical training of university teachers and collaborators at the University of Primorska, and gives lectures in pre-school organizations and schools throughout Slovenia on the topic of supporting early childhood educators/teachers in their pedagogical work and their overall professional development within the framework of the Center for Lifelong Learning. She has a strong interest in new forms of cooperation between pre-school/school and parents. Her research interests are broadly related to the question of the role of the educator in the relationship between child and educator, pupil and teacher, student and university teacher, in order to provide a stimulating and developmentally appropriate learning environment. In her recent research period, she has focused particularly on the area of social and emotional education and the integration of the fundamentals of computing and informatics and digital tools into learning and teaching.



What Making Pancakes Has to Do with the Fundamentals of Computing and Informatics in Education

This talk will highlight the key concepts of computational thinking and ways to promote it by integrating the fundamentals of computing and informatics during the pre-school and school periods. It will focus on certain didactic approaches for integrating computing and informatics fundamentals and address the current issue of safe and meaningful use of digital tools in the (pre-)school period.