The Power of Digital Education

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Talks Workshops Inspiration
Gain insights into the latest trends in digital education and interactive teaching tools.

Prijave na dogodek so zaključene.

Who is this conference's target audience and why?

The Power of Digital Education conference will bring together in one place experts, national and international, representatives of decision-makers and the latest trends in digital educational tools.

Strategies will be presented to strengthen digital competences, skills to develop innovation and ways to empower students for the new hyperactive media reality.

We will learn how a range of interactive tools can help bring learning materials closer to the diverse learner types and how virtual reality technologies can be used to improve students’ communication, teamwork and leadership skills.

We will bring together local knowledge, experience and skills on the one hand, and global perspectives on the other, as we explore the future of digital education. Do join in!

Excellent talks and expert speakers

Charitable purpose

All proceeds from ticket sales (excluding VAT) for the Power of Digital Education conference will go to the ROK Foundation for Gifted Students. The ROK Foundation was established before the start of the 2013/14 school year, with the aim of providing financial support to gifted Slovenian school-age children whose living conditions prevent them from developing their talents in the fields of science, sport, culture and education, and with a desire to encourage others to lend a helping hand as well. For detailed information on how to apply for financial aid, please visit www.fundacijarok.si, where you can also find an application form to request support for your students.

Registration fees

For Educators

15,00 € incl. VAT


Early bird 36€
do 10.2. 2023


If you would like to be put on the waiting list, please contact us at seminarji@rokus-klett.si.

Registration and ticket purchase are possible until March 13, 2025.
Teachers who will attend the conference will receive a certificate of participation, which they can attach to their application for promotion.*
The payer can be a natural person or a school.

For Non-Educators

150,00 € incl. VAT


fizična oseba ali
na podjetje


If you would like to be put on the waiting list, please contact us at seminarji@rokus-klett.si.

The payer can be a natural person or a company. Non-teaching staff shall submit the application via e-mail. You will receive an invoice for the registration fee to your e-mail address.

*Promotion to the title is decided by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, we cannot prejudge its decision. According to the 3rd paragraph According to Article 19 of the Rulebook on the promotion of employees in education and training, participation in workshops could be considered a special condition for the promotion of employees in schools.


The deadline for any cancellation of participation is at least 3 days before the event. In case of later cancellation or if you do not cancel, we will charge you an administrative fee of 35.00 EUR + VAT. You can send your cancellation to the following email address: seminarji@rokus-klett.si

Mnenja udeležencev
preteklih konferenc


Where the best minds come together

Brdo Congress Centre
Predoslje 39
4000 Kranj

The renowned and state-of-the-art Brdo Congress Centre will host a unique gathering of the best minds in the field of digital education and related technologies. National and international representatives in the field of education – educators, ministry representatives, innovators, representatives of the digitisation of education, editors of interactive materials, representatives of the informatics society, and psychologists – will share with us their innovative approaches to the introduction of digital tools in the classroom. This unique opportunity offers primary and secondary school teachers, primary and secondary school headteachers, counsellors, students and educational staff the chance to learn about best practices and expertise in the field of digital education.

Zahvaljujemo se

  • Ministrstvu za digitalno preobrazbo Republike Slovenije
  • Službi za digitalizacijo izobraževanja, Ministrstvo za vzgojo in izobraževanje Republike Slovenije
  • Organizaciji za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD)
  • Portugalskemu Ministrstvu za izobraževanje
  • Univerzi Nyenrode Business University, Nizozemska
  • Slovenskemu društvu Informatika
  • podjetju Bodyswaps, Združeno kraljestvo
  • organizaciji Silta Education, Finska

Zahvaljujemo se vsem predavateljicam in predavateljem za njihove navdihujoče prispevke.


Highlights from last year’s first international conference Future of Education


Contact us

Should you wish to
give us a call:


080 19 90