Stefan Raffeiner

Founder & CEO at Teachino, Austria



Relieving and Inspiring Teachers with AI Lesson Planning

Lesson planning can be a very time-consuming task – but it doesn’t have to be. In this session, Stefan Raffeiner, the founder of Teachino, will show the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in lesson planning and how it not only reduces the teachers’ workload, but also generates new ideas and promotes collaboration in schools.

Teachino is an AI-powered digital teaching assistant that offers support to individual teachers as well as entire schools in delivering high-quality, differentiated lessons – in a fraction of the time.



Best practice example: Teachino

In this session we take a deeper look behind the scenes of the AI lesson planning tool Teachino. In a collaborative setting, we will explore how the product can be further developed to meet the needs of teachers in Slovenia.

Teachino is an AI-powered digital teaching assistant that offers support to individual teachers as well as entire schools in delivering high-quality, differentiated lessons – in a fraction of the time.