Tilen Hocevar
youth worker, consultant and lecturer, Logout.org, Slovenia
Märt Aro
co-founder of the DreamApply.com platform, Estonia
Veera Virintie, M.A., and Johanna Vilmi, M.A.
Silta Education, Finland
Ben Naughton-Rumbo
Bodyswaps, United Kingdom
Niko Schlamberger
President of Slovenian Society Informatika
Tatjana Kupljenik
Digital Learning Resources Editor, Rokus Klett Publishing
Jana Pertot Tomažič
Teacher of Slovenian and Internationally Certified NLP Trainer
Dieter Jan Vlaminck, MA and MPhil
Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands
Dr. João Costa
Minister of Education, Portugal
Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, PhD.
Deputy Head of Division and Senior Analyst, OECD – OCDE, France