Prof. Dr. Slavko Gaber

Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana

Dr. Slavko Gaber: Partnership for Quality and Equity in the Education System as an Imperative for the Successful Forging of a New Social Contract for Education 2023–2050

Education as a Social Subsystem – A Strategy of the Partnership for Quality and Equity in the Education System

The challenges of digitalization (and, increasingly, artificial intelligence), which extend deep into the fields of digital media repertoires and presentations, are an integral part of shaping new forms of existence and aim at the essence of the human being of the future. They offer help in coping with the demands for equity (inclusiveness) and efficiency (quality) in schooling, but they are also part of the
complexity of achieving both.

The proposition of the Partnership Engagement Working Group – of which the author is a part – is simple, yet when it comes to putting it into practice, it evokes high expectations and the ability of those addressed to step out of our “one-dimensional” worlds’ comfort zones.

The Partnership is convinced that the complexity – only hinted at here – can only be successfully addressed by a joint approach, a partnership approach of professionals, teachers and school leaders, parents, and authorities, when/if they share the recognition of the need for responsible reflection and implementation of upgraded and, at times, substantially changed mechanisms of learning and teaching and of action in the education system in the Republic of Slovenia.