Samo Kramer

Samo Kramer

Samo Kramer, MSc, BSc in Economics, is a mechanical engineer, technologist and energy engineer, and holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing and a Master’s degree in Economic Sciences. Since 2000, he has been appointed as full and associate lecturer at the VSŠ (in the field of entrepreneurship, business communication, business logistics, business communication, and others), and he has also served as Headmaster of the Vocational College. Under his leadership, the Vocational College received the Q-VIZ award for an educational institution with a socially responsible vision and the 2012 national Apple of Quality award. Author of scientific papers, his research interests include HRM, entrepreneurship, motivation, personal growth of individuals, etc.



Slovenia’s first smart rural classroom

I will describe working in the first smart rural classroom in Slovenia: instructional approach, teaching methods and execution.