Špela Pavli Perko, MA

direktor, Delavski dom Trbovlje, Slovenia

Špela Pavli Perko, MA (Trbovlje, 1982) works in the field of exploring and making sense of the visual arts at the beginning of the 21st century. Her research focuses on theoretical explorations of contemporary visual practices, and she manifests her knowledge through theoretical and practical projects in the fields of digital art, video art and design. She graduated in Fine Arts under Prof. Petra Varl at the Faculty of Education in Maribor. In 2016, she completed her Master’s degree in Theory and Philosophy of Visual Culture under Prof. Ernest Ženko at the Faculty of Humanities in Koper, with a specialization entitled “Terry Smith and the Theory of Contemporary Art: the Case of New Media Practices”. She has been in charge of the Speculum Artium Festival since 2009. She is active in the field of contemporary visual arts and worked for several years as a programme associate at the Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre. She is currently the Director of the Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre, and served as the project manager of the RUK – Network of Research Centres for Arts and Culture in the period 2019-2023. As of spring 2024, she has served as President of the Slovenian Art Cinema Association.



Robots in the Classroom: Integrating Technology and Culture in Modern Education

As robotic technology proliferates, it is gaining a growing presence in our lives, including our classrooms. On the one hand, integrating a robot into the classroom familiarises students with the capabilities of robots and gives them valuable digital competences, but it can at the same time enrich any school lesson. For over 15 years, the Delavski dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre has been involved in the integration of modern technology with art and the introduction of digital technologies into education. We will share with you our experience in using robotics in educational content and methods of bringing robotics to the public, especially to school going youth.