Dominik Dresel

Dominik Dresel

Dominik Dresel is the director of the company KLI, which is part of the Klett Group. He has worked as a teacher, administrator in a public school, and entrepreneur in the field of educational technology. He holds two master’s degrees in pedagogy and is a certified teacher of German as a foreign language.



Making Education Technology Work for You: A Teacher’s Perspective

In the early 1800s, the blackboard became a common feature in classrooms around the world. By the late 19th century, printed textbooks began to be widely used, followed by technologies such as radios, cassette tapes, image projectors, calculators and educational videos. Today, in the digital age of the 21st century, teachers have access to even more tools, from digital whiteboards to AI-powered learning assistants. In this talk, I make the case that, like any technology, these new tools need to be evaluated for their benefits and drawbacks. Ultimately, digital technologies are not so different from books, pen and paper – if used appropriately, they can enhance teaching, reduce teacher workload and impact student learning outcomes.