Benjamin Strajnar

Benjamin Strajnar

Benjamin Strajnar is a 4th year student at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana, with a great passion for entrepreneurship and technology. He believes that education and law still have plenty of untapped opportunities for progress through digital solutions, especially in the field of international mobility. International experiences not only open up new career and academic opportunities for an individual, but also foster collaboration, generate innovative ideas and enable a deeper understanding of different cultures. Benjamin is convinced that by combining knowledge, technology and experience, we can build a future where international engagement is more accessible and convenient than ever before.



Technology as the Key to International Opportunities

Benjamin Strajnar will present the Mobility Portal, a project run by the University of Ljubljana that uses technology to tackle administrative burdens and red tape barriers in international mobility. The platform provides personalised key information on visas, permits, taxation, insurance and other aspects of mobility for students, researchers and workers abroad.