Matic Jurkosek

Matic Jurkošek

With 20 years of experience in leading diverse teams, Matic Jurkošek places a strong emphasis on delivering innovative and effective solutions. His work focuses on strategic development and implementation of technology, and for the last ten years his main area of interest has been education.



Teachermatic – the Teacher’s AI Assistant

At the conference we will present Teachermatic, an innovative portal that uses artificial intelligence to help teachers create learning materials quickly and easily. Teachermatic is powered by AI generators, where the teacher enters the desired content – in the form of text, hyperlinks or other data – and the system generates high-quality educational resources such as PowerPoint presentations, quizzes, worksheets and other interactive activities. In this presentation I will show how a teacher can use Teachermatic to generate materials – from tests to generating different types of activities. The portal offers a wide range of generators and can understand and interpret higher level content. With Teachermatic, the goal is to reduce teacher workload, increase productivity and free up more time for the actual teaching and interaction with students. At a time when the digitisation of education is inevitable, a key question arises: will teachers harness the power of AI or risk being overtaken by the digital revolution? Teachermatic offers an answer to this dilemma.